by a worker in HK kojirou PART ONE ........ HI I cannot read chinese but I use a translator. I love your message and we miss robert shawn NUNGARY so much, and we have to continue his life book as told robert s brother rik. keep care and continue to send message here.
Robert Nungary, 一個很funny, 毫無架子的老闆. 還記得有一次, 我太早番到公司, 連門都未開, 我便坐係後樓梯, 佢竟然著住西裝同我一齊坐係咁污糟的後樓梯. 大家仲有講有笑, 不過我就成日聽唔明佢講咩, 佢都唔介意, 亦都冇話我.
好感激佢既提攜,仲俾左好多機會我. 早排番去公司,本想問候下佢,無奈緣慳一面. 現在連說句一話都不能, 以後都冇機會再聽到佢洪亮既笑聲.
好好珍惜, 去愛你身邊的人. 知足常樂, 又何必強求太多? 希望Robert的家人朋友節哀順變,早日平復心情.
translate by yahoo: FOLLOW PART TWO
PART 2 Robert Nungary was so funny, not just because he was my boss. So one day, I came too earlier at the company, but Lian Mendu had not opened yet. Then I sit down on the back stair,and he was wearing his western-style clothing and robert sit down with me unexpectedly on the dirty bad back stair. Everybody were smiling about that, but I would not listen all day long people making jokes on me, so he ordered the workers to "stop saying that neither thinking or speaking". His good gratitude always leads on his hand, because he gave us so many opportunities, asked to join the company since the beginning, gave us all his regards and thanks. But now I feel sad: now I cannot hear anymore his voice, his crazy idea of business opportunities, his loud and clearly laughts. His great Treasure is : loving people personally. So why so much loves ? Because He is a such happy greatfull unique personn. I hope that Robert's family, co-coworkers and friends could continue and keep going on his thought